Snake wine in Vietnam

I took this photo in Hanoi, Vietnam. It shows two dead snakes: a cobra and a vine snake, in a wine bottle. Rows upon rows of these bottles can be seen for sale throughout Vietnam.
While I couldn't judge Vietnamese culture (if that is what this is) I can't help thinking that this is not a sustainable practice. As a snake aficionado I can't help be horrified by it and would very much like to know whether it serves any purpose.
Any other views, comments or points of information would be welcome.
{I got a comment - which I did not post - from somebody saying that Snake wine is good for one's health and that they can sell them over the internet. I'm not too keen on promoting this as I know that several species of cobras are threatened, and as I do not know how these snakes are killed. Sorry to whoever posted the anonymous comment.}
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